Ausfahrts & Einfahrts



Karapiro to Berlin


Berlin to Poznan

Rowing at Poznan

Poznan to Hanover

Hanover to Brake

Brake to Leer

Leer to Amsterdam

Amsterdam to Purmerend

Purmerend to Bleiswijk

Bleiswijk to Alpen

Alpen to Mendig

Mendig to Bad Durkheim

Bad Durkheim to Dettenheim

Dettenheim to Schonach

Schonach to Konstanz

Konstanz to Besenwirtschaft

Besenwirtschaft to Fischen

Fischen to Fussen

Fussen to Furstenfeldbruck

Furstenfeldbruck to Ubersee

Ubersee to Golling


Golling to Ardagger Markt

Ardagger Markt to Vienna

Vienna to Wisla, Poland

Wisla to Krakow


Krakow to Gora

Gora to Swidnica

Swidnica to Rosenbach

Rosenbach to Baderitz

Baderitz to Bayreuth

Bayreuth to Bad Mergentheim

Romantic Road to Seelze

Seelze to Berlin

Berlin to Karapiro

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Regatta GmudenRegatts GmudenRegatts Gmuden Regatts Gmuden

Saturday 9th July - Golling to Ardagger Markt

It is a travelling day today. I thought we were going to Vienna via Melk but it appears the scenic route with detours takes the tiring travellers a little longer so we didn’t quite get to Melk. We did however see lots of lovely countryside and lakes. We stopped by Mondsee for a sorbet ice cream; we have been here twice now as our Sound of Music tour came here. Today we watched a wedding couple being driven to the lake for photos. Interestingly, after the wedding ceremony the bride and groom are driven around town in a small open car towing noisy aluminium cans tied to the back of the tow vehicle with a bit of string.

Another quaint European rural tradition is to stick a stork cut-out in the front garden when the baby is born, with something attached signifying the gender. One small cul-de-sac had 3 cut-outs, I am not sure if she had triplets or the milkman was busy in that street.

Lunch was in a random place but if we had waited until we got to Gmunden we could have had our lunch at a rowing regatta. Never mind, we still went to the slightly Regatts Gmudenchaotic regatta with all ages from all over Austria. The officials wore suits and Jury uniforms. The boat park was spread over several areas, with some being several roads away, requiring crossing-patrol lollipop men to help them cross in the high speed traffic. The launching area had no real system and was full of spectators because they had nowhere else to sit except after the finish line as there are all houses lining the lake edges along the course. We only saw master’s single, very small boys doubles and para rowing. We bought Roger some souvenir clothing and I killed some mozzies.

We drove for some time down some pretty narrow country roads; in fact, right through the farmer's front yards and they didn’t even bat an eyelid. We decided to call it quits and take the nearest free park in Ardagger Markt. We really have no idea where we are but it’s not bad for free, unfortunately though all our other fellow campers got the power outlets before us.



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Regatts GmudenPhew! Made it!
Regatts GmudenHurry! Bus coming!
Regatts GmudenRegatta at Gmuden, Austria
Regatts Gmuden Regatta at Gmuden, Austria