DAY 17 - Paris to Pruzilly 21/10/2007
Silence in the campground; I doubt the same would have happened if England had won. If the loss or alcohol consumption didn’t silence them then the weather would have. It is so cold today the windows have iced up. We drove to McDonalds for free internet. I bravely ordered the Happy Meal or stupidly because you need to be fluent in French to answer all the questions. What meal would you like? What type of potato? What kind of drink? What kind of dessert? What gender toy? Take out or eat in? Anyway I never got my happy meal. The first McDonalds we stopped at had one trainee staff member on who was so slow Roger gave up waiting. At the second stop apparently cheese burger is not an answer to the first question so the conversation went no further. Apart from McDonalds and a drive past Fontainbleau (a big old Chateau) we saw nothing, went nowhere and are now parked in a car park of, yes you guessed it a church. The only consolation is that it is miles from boy racers and city road works in the middle of a vineyard that is renown for making the first bottle of wine each year/season, Beaujolais.
However for peace and quiet there are sacrifices, there are no shops or restaurants. We are therefore reduced to eating the world famous Montmartre broken baguette that went to the 2007 Rugby World Cup final, survived the train trip from hell, Roger’s fall down the stadium stairs and the security frisk. The car park was set up for campervans with a toilet building, dumping facilities that were too close to the building, and a church bell alarm clock. You just have to make a small donation in the drop box. However we only had large Euro notes so they got small bits of change and a priceless NZ silver fern pin.
Check out the photo above; one big car park and the only other visitor had to park right next to us.